Unearthing the potential of microbes to evolve how our world is nourished.
Our ingredients enable sustainability-focused food and supplement companies to create nutritious, animal-free, vegan, environmentally friendly food that customers love.
The Future of Food
Our global population is estimated to grow to 10 billion people by 2050 – as such, one of the biggest challenges we will face over the next generation is feeding everyone.
The majority of protein production systems are highly inefficient and livestock production is quickly becoming the largest contributor to global warming, outranking all forms of transportation. Seafood consumption is at an all-time high, driven by the global demand by health-conscious consumers for protein and omega3 rich diets. And increasing demand for plant-based proteins is causing global problems that include deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity.
At Smallfood, our quest for a sustainable solution to the world’s massive food production challenge resulted in the discovery of something ‘small’ with very ‘BIG’ potential. Microbes are the world’s most energy-efficient production systems so we set out in search of a microbe that could produce abundant protein and DHA, with the highest nutritional quality, while conserving the Earth’s precious resources.
And after 10 years and over 20,000 unique microorganisms discovered, Smallfood unearthed unique microalgae that could produce wholesome food ingredients that are abundant in high-quality protein and rich in brain-boosting omega-3 DHA. And this is just the beginning.
More Perfect Ingredients
Through our unique strain of microalgae and proprietary biomass fermentation process, we are delivering to the world More Perfect Ingredients.
Our ingredients are ideally suited for brands seeking to bring innovative, nutritious, animal-free foods to market.
In Particular:
Alt Seafood Companies
Human & Pet Nutrition
Dietary Supplements
Optimal Profile
Our whole-cell and protein ingredients are complete in amino acid profile, rivaling animal based-proteins. Super digestible, soluble, allergen-free, vegan and non-GMO
Small Footprint, Big Production
Biomass fermentation is the ultimate sustainable solution given its minimal land, water, and energy requirements compared to traditional protein sources. The unparalleled productivity of our process results in a production time of just 7 days vs. 7-9 months for plant-based proteins, and years for beef protein.
Predictable & Secure
Our process also delivers a consistent, high-quality product and ensures supply chain reliability. Ingredients produced through fermentation aren’t subject to the fluctuations in quality and supply we sometimes see with plant-sourced ingredients.
GHG Emissions
30x less greenhouse gases vs. beef
Water Consumption
160x less water consumption vs. farmed fish
Land Use
16x less land usage vs. pea protein
Source: Poore & Nemecek 2008 (per 100g of Protein Production)
Join Our Smallfood Movement
Join us on the Smallfood journey to discover how microbes hold the key to next generation nutrition that’s good for you and the planet.